Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

Expert Spine Surgeon | Real Answers

Locations throughout the Twin Cities*


Procedure: Anterior / Posterior Lumbar Fusion


What was your initial medical issue?

I had been having back pain on and off for about 30 years, stemming from an injury. It progressively got worse over the last 5-10 years until I couldn’t bear it any longer.

What did this issue prevent you doing?

Basically everything. I couldn’t sleep or walk my dog. I couldn’t even stand long enough to make a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

What made you decide to do something about your problem?

I tried injections and physical therapy for about three years before surgery and nothing worked for very long. Once those treatments failed, I started looking into surgery.

Why did you choose Dr. Sinicropi?

I was referred to Dr. Sinicropi from my doctor at HealthEast.

What treatment/procedure did you have done?

Anterior / Posterior Lumbar Fusion and a Pelvic Fusion.

How did you feel after treatment?

When I work up I had some pain from the surgical incision, but I was able to start physical therapy the very next day. Overall the pain wasn’t bad – I didn’t even have to take anything other than Tylenol during my recovery.

What advice would you give other patients in a similar situation to you?

Go and have the surgery. Don’t waste decades of your life in pain like I did. Dr. Sinicropi was very honest with me. I was scared going into the procedure, but Dr. Sinicropi put my nerves at rest. I couldn’t be happier with the results.


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