Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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5 Daily Accessories That Can Contribute To Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Backpack Back Pain

We don’t often pay attention to our spine unless something starts to hurt, but oftentimes we can pick up habits or do things throughout the day that can increase our risk of suffering a back injury. Today we want to focus on some of the accessories in your life that can put you at risk for spine pain. Here’s a quick look at some items we use on a daily basis that can lead to back problems if we’re not careful.


We’ve talked about the problems an ill-fitting backpack can have on your spine on the blog in the past because they are a common culprit of back pain. Backpacks that hang over one shoulder, hang too low or are overloaded with books and notebooks can all cause problems with your child’s spine. Check out this blog post for tips on making sure your child’s backpack isn’t causing them pain.

Purse or Satchel

The adult version of the backpack is a purse or a shoulder bag. These accessories are often home to a purses, books, and in some instances a computer. The average purse weighs between 5-10 pounds, and oftentimes these accessories are strapped over one shoulder, which can throw your back out of whack. Try not to overload any purses or bags you need to carry.

Your Mattress

An uncomfortable mattress can cause back problems, so make sure you find a mattress that is supportive to your spine. Find a comfy position and consider putting a small pillow under your back or between your legs to help push your spine in alignment. If your mattress if too soft or too firm, you might not be getting adequate spinal support. If it’s been 10 years since you’ve changed your mattress, and you’re dealing with spine pain, consider swapping out your old mattress for something more supportive.

Your Office Chair

If you work in a large office, you may not have been able to pick out your ideal chair, but if you’re going to be spending 40 hours a week in that spot, it’s worth investing in a high quality chair. If the chair isn’t supportive or isn’t at the ideal height, your spine is going to be overworked at the office. Find a comfy chair that can be adjusted so you’re not looking up or down at your computer screen. Better yet, see if your company will consider investing in a sit-to-stand workstation!

Your Shoes

Your shoes play a big role in keeping your spine healthy. If your gait gets messed up, it can lead to problems in your hips and spine as these areas become overworked and overstressed. Similar to choosing a mattress, you’ll want to find a supportive shoe that can contort to your feet and can adequately displace stress. If you have a high arch or a hard sole, consider investing in orthotic inserts as well to provide your feet with more cushioning. Don’t just opt for the cheapest pair on the rack – find something that will offer your protection and stability, because your spine health depends on it.

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