Can I Walk my Dog after Back Surgery?

Category: Surgery Recovery | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

dog walkingAll dogs, regardless of their size, require a lot of attention and daily exercise. Many dog owners have questions about their pets when it comes to surgery recovery. This article will answer a reader question we recently received – will you be able to walk your dog after your minimally invasive spine surgery?

Dog Walking after Back Surgery

We have covered walking after surgery in a previous blog. As we discussed in that article, it is good to get up and move in the days after your procedure. Getting up, walking around, and doing physical therapy exercises can boost your body’s healing process. Walking your dog is a great way to get the moderate exercise your body needs post-op. Additionally, a dog (or cat, or other pet) can be a great companion to keep you company as you recover from surgery.

However, there are some other factors to take into account. If you have a large dog (a St. Bernard or a sheep dog, for example) that is difficult to easily keep control of on a leash, you may want to avoid walking them. Getting yanked by a large dog on a leash can jar your back and disturb your surgical incision.

Making Care Arrangements for your Pets

If you have a needy dog (or other pet) that requires a lot of attention and physical activity, you may want to make other care arrangements for them while you recover post-op. Kennels are an expensive option, but you could also ask a family member or friend to take your dog for a few days. If you are worried about your ability to care for your pet after surgery, talk to your doctor – they will be able to give you a good sense of your mobility in the days following your procedure.

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