Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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Dynamic Cervical Implant for Spine Surgery

Category: Spine Surgery | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

cervical implantTechnological advancements in spine care happen all the time. We are constantly improving procedures, techniques, and tools. One of the newer pieces of spinal hardware to hit the scene is the Dynamic Cervical Implant. In this blog, we will talk about the Dynamic Cervical Implant – its pros and cons, and when it can potentially be used in spine surgery.

What is the Dynamic Cervical Implant?

The Dynamic Cervical Implant (DCI) is piece of spinal hardware produced by Paradigm Spine. It is a relatively new implant that is designed to be an alternative to cervical spine fusion surgery. Spinal fusions are typically very effective at reducing patient pain, but their biggest drawback is that spinal mobility is severely decreased after the procedure. The DCI is designed to provide pain relief, while maintaining dynamic functionality in the spine. The DCI acts as a shock absorber and prevents further disc degeneration in the cervical spine.

Since the DCI is so new, research is still being done on its effectiveness. There have been several studies with promising results, but more research is needed before the technique becomes a standard option for patients.

When can the DCI be used in Spine Surgery?

Talk to your surgeon about the full breadth of your surgical options before you make a decision on the procedure that’s right for you.

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