How a Tilted Pelvis can Lead to Back Pain

Category: Back Pain, Spine Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

tilted pelvisA tilted pelvis can cause serious issues in a patient including: pain, coordination issues, and increased risk of injury. In this article, we are going to discuss what exactly a “rotated” or “tilted” pelvis is and talk about the risks and treatment options available to those who suffer from the condition.

What is a Tilted Pelvis?

A tilted pelvis is, as the name suggests, a condition in which the pelvis tilts forward, backward, or to the side in an irregular fashion. A small degree of tilt in the pelvis is normal, but excessive tilting can lead to a number of negative issues. Pelvic tilt can be caused by a number of issues, such as: flat feet, muscle imbalance, and more.

Symptoms that could indicate a rotated pelvis can include any of the following:

  • Pain in the pelvic region, low back, or hip.
  • A protruding abdomen, accompanied by a curved lower back.
  • Balance issues.
  • A feeling that one leg is longer than the other.

Pelvic tilt creates imbalance throughout your body. Patients with tilted pelvises can also be more susceptible to sports or exercise injuries as well. To avoid potential injuries and pain, it is best to address and treat a tilted pelvis when one presents itself.

Risks & Treatment Options

A tilted pelvis can normally be treated with conservative, non-surgical methods. Various physical therapy and chiropractic techniques can help reduce the degree of tilt and mitigate balance issues by strengthening your muscles. There are some great examples of exercises here.

If the tilt is causing pain in the patient, pain medications and/or pain injections may be used to effectively manage pain. Unless other issues are present, surgery is typically not an effective treatment option.

If you or your child is exhibiting any signs or symptoms of pelvic tilt, make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist to see what can be done about the condition.

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