Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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3 Things You Should Never Do When It Comes To Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Back Pain Genes

We prefer to speak in generalities on the blog because we know that spine pain is highly unique to the individual and the best advice you’ll get is from a provider who can see your spine in person. However, there are also some things that are universally true when it comes to back pain and its management. That’s why in today’s blog, we’re going to spotlight three things you should never do when it comes to spine pain.

Never Treat Spine Problems These Ways

There are a bunch of different ways to effectively treat a variety of back problems, but these aren’t it. Here’s what you should never do for your back pain.

  1. Ignore It – Much like your homework in middle school, back pain isn’t going to go away by ignoring it. If you pretend like the problem doesn’t exist and you try to keep going about your day like normal, there’s a good chance that symptoms will continue to persist or they will worsen. Athletes who play through an injury are at a heightened risk for aggravation or a worsening injury, so don’t just try to power through it and hope everything will just go away on its own. There’s also a good chance that some of your daily habits brought on your back pain, like your exercise habits, your posture or your sleep quality. If you don’t focus on improving these areas of your life, there’s no reason to expect improvement in symptoms. You don’t need to go to the doctor for every instance of back pain, but you should never completely ignore it.
  2. Treat It Only With Painkillers – As we’ve talked about on the blog in the past, painkillers can play a fantastic role in a comprehensive treatment program but they are never a good stand-alone option. Opioids can treat or mask symptoms, but they won’t do anything to address the underlying problem. You need to throw yourself into proactive forms of treatment in order to see the best results, like: physical therapy, regular exercise, weight management, posture improvements, targeted flexibility training. Painkillers may make it easier for patients to pursue these active treatments, so again we’re not saying that you should never take painkillers for back pain, but they should never be your only treatment option.
  3. Neglect The Mental Side Of Back Pain – Finally, much of the focus of back pain is on the physical side, and that makes sense because you’re likely experiencing moderate to severe physical symptoms. However, be sure that you aren’t completely ignoring the mental side of things. Back pain can also take a significant toll on your mental health, as it has been linked to an increase in conditions like depression and anxiety, which can make effective treatment even harder to come by. Talk to your doctor about the mental impact of back pain and be sure not to close yourself off to the world while you’re focusing on treatment. Still find time to connect with friends and family, as it is incredibly important for your own mental health.

Keep these tips in mind and make it a point to connect with a professional if you are finding it harder to overcome a back pain issue. For more information, or for help with a specific spine issue of your own, connect with Dr. Sinicropi and the team at The Midwest Spine & Brain Institute today at (651) 430-3800.

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