Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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5 Steps to Reduce Risks Associated with Spine Surgery

Category: Minimally Invasive Surgery | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Spinal Disc Replacement

Surgery is oftentimes the final option for patients and providers looking to treat back pain because even when it is performed laparoscopically, an operation is still a significant physical trauma on your body. Because of this, surgeons typically want to pursue a few different non-operative options to see if they can help a patient find relief without going under the knife. Aside from trying these conservative options, there are also a few things the patient can do to help reduce their likelihood of needing a spinal operation. We explore those actions in today’s blog.

Reducing Your Risk Of Spine Surgery

Here are some ways to help reduce your risk of needing to undergo a spinal operation if you’re dealing with pain or discomfort in the region.

  1. Address Your Issue – Too many people try to go about their day as normal when back pain develops. We understand that you don’t want to miss school or work because of back pain, but doing the same things that led to pain in the first place is only going to make the condition worse. You need to acknowledge your injury and get an official diagnosis from a doctor. Once you know what you’re dealing with, the condition becomes much easier to treat, and that can help prevent the need for an eventual operation.
  2. Weight Management – For a number of patients, their spinal issue is made worse by their weight. Regardless of whether you have a few extra pounds or a bunch to spare, any excess weight is added stress on your spine. Many patients see a decrease in symptoms if they strive to improve their diet and focus on maintaining a healthy weight. Weight management can help with shifted spinal discs, pinched nerves and more.
  3. Stick To Your Rehab – When it comes to conservative care treatments, you get out what you put in. If you only go through the motions during physical therapy, you aren’t going to make as full a recovery as possible. If you’re really interested in avoiding surgery, make it a point to give it your all during your conservative treatment plan. There’s no guarantee that it will work, but you have a higher likelihood of finding treatment success if you’re willing to put in the work.
  4. Avoid Laying In Bed – You may assume that your spine just needs some rest in order to recover, but studies have shown that for a number of different types of back problems, too much rest can be a bad thing. Rest is often great for the first 24-48 hours, but after that, your spine needs active treatment options like exercise and physical therapy to help strengthen the recovering structures. It’s this strength and conditioning that will help fuel recovery and prevent an issue from developing again in the future. Seek active treatment options over passive care plans.
  5. Ask Questions – Finally, a good way to help prevent the need for surgery is to ask questions of your treating physician. Ask them what you can do to help your treatment along or how to avoid surgery. The more you know about your condition, the better you can help prevent complications. Most physicians would be more than happy to provide answers to their patients to any questions they might have, as doing so can help improve treatment outcomes.

It’s important to remember that these are just general guidelines and your best bet is to receive an official care plan from your treating physician. Not all conditions would benefit from the above strategies, but many will. Consulting with your treating physician will ensure you’re on the right path. For more information, or to set up an appointment with Dr. Sinicropi, reach out to his office today.

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