5 Things Spine Surgery Patients Wish They Would Have Known Sooner

Category: Spine | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Spinal Cysts

If you are told that you need to undergo spine surgery, you want the operation and your recovery to go as smoothly as possible, but sometimes that can be a challenge simply because you aren’t familiar with the process or the best practices. However, we’re very familiar with the process, and we also make it a point to connect with former patients to learn how they feel about their results and what they would have done differently if they had to do it all over again. So with that in mind, here are some things that are helpful to know earlier in the spine surgery process.

What You Should Know About Your Upcoming Spine Surgery

Here’s a look at five things that are helpful to understand sooner rather than later when it comes to the success of your spine surgery outcome.

  1. Find A Surgeon You Trust And Are Comfortable With – Don’t just assume that whoever you are referred to for your surgery is the best one to handle your operation. Know what condition you’re dealing with, meet a couple different surgeons and go with one that exudes confidence and that you feel like you can trust. Your gut is oftentimes a good judge of character, and if you find a surgeon that checks all the boxes and feels right, that’s who you want performing your operation. If you don’t have this connection, consider looking around for a different surgeon.
  2. Understand The Surgery – Many people get anxious or nervous about their upcoming operation, and that’s perfectly normal. However, this anxiety can actually hinder a successful rehab program, so it’s important to work to try to limit your pre-op nerves. Many patients find that this can be accomplished by learning more about the operation and all the things they’ll be able to do again once it’s been successfully performed and they’ve completed their rehabilitation program. Ask questions and get answers so that you can find more peace of mind ahead of surgery.
  3. There Will Be Pain – We do everything in our power to help limit pain and discomfort during and after the procedure, but no surgery is completely painless, especially as the sedatives wear off. Surgery is a major trauma on your body, even if it’s minimally invasive in nature, so there will be some discomfort as your body works to recover. Knowing that there will be some pain and knowing the best ways to limit it can help prevent pain from causing too much of a disruption during your recovery.
  4. Your Work Is Just As Important As Ours – The success of your operation doesn’t just come down to your surgeon. You are going to need to put in the work during physical therapy and your rehabilitation if you want to see the best outcomes. Start mentally preparing for physical therapy and strength training, because those are the only ways to maximize your function and physical capabilities as you recover following spine surgery.
  5. It Will Be Worth It – Finally, you need to know that it will all be worth it in the end. Scheduling surgery, going under the knife, partaking in physical therapy and really working during your recovery will help ensure you make the strongest and fullest recovery possible, and you owe that to yourself. So many of our patients say that they wish they would have made the decision to have surgery sooner, because you can’t put a price on improved health. Know that the decision to undergo spine surgery to address an issue will be worth it in the end.

For more tips, or for help with your back issue, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi’s office today.

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