Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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5 Tips For Preparing For Your Spinal Fusion Surgery

Category: Spine | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Ruptured Spinal Discs

Spinal fusion can be the perfect solution for patients dealing with significant disc pain, and while the surgery is a major step in the right direction, the patient also plays a key role in recovery and pain control after surgery. If you want to give yourself the best chance to have a great recovery after a spinal fusion procedure, there are some things you’ll want to do before operation day. In today’s blog, we share some tips for preparing for your spinal fusion operation.

Gearing Up For Your Spinal Fusion Procedure

Here are five things you can do in the days and weeks leading up to your spinal fusion procedure to help ensure you have a safe transition back home and give yourself the best chance at making a full recovery.

  1. Pre-operative Rehab – You don’t need to wait until after surgery to get in the habit of doing therapy exercises. In fact, studies have shown that doing physical therapy or pre-operative strengthening exercises can actually lead to improved outcomes after surgery. This will help ensure your spine is as strong as possible heading into your operation, and it will also increase your likelihood of following through with a physical therapy routine after surgery because you will have already begun developing a therapy routine.
  2. Medication Management – It’s imperative that you discuss your current medications with your surgeon so that you know how to take your meds in the days before surgery. Some medications will be discontinued, while others will be safe to use. You need to know how to safely manage your medications so that they don’t cause any issues with the operation or the anesthesia.
  3. Food Prep – It’s important that you keep your diet in mind both before and after your operation. Before your surgery, take some time to prepare some healthy, easy to reheat meals so that you don’t have to put much effort into cooking right after surgery. Also, in the lead up to your operation, make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber in your diet. This will aid in tissue recovery and help keep your bowel movements more regular, which will make it easier to go to the bathroom after surgery.
  4. Give Up Smoking – If you’re a smoker, now is the time to ditch the habit. Smoking restricts healthy blood flow, and you’re going to want optimal blood flow to your recovering structures after surgery. Smoking also serves to weaken spinal discs, which means you may be in line for a second spinal operation if you continue to smoke after your initial procedure.
  5. Make A Plan – Finally, as surgery nears, make sure you have a plan for your immediate care and recovery. Enlist your friends and family to make sure you have a ride home and any help you might need at home in the first few days after surgery. Odds are your support system will be more than willing to lend a hand, but they may not know exactly what you need, so never be afraid to ask!

For more tips on how to best prepare for spinal fusion surgery, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi and his team of spinal experts today.

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