Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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Back Pain Relief Gadgets That Actually Work

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Back Pain Gadget

When it comes to back pain relief, there is no magic pill or secret elixir you can drink to solve your back pain instantly. However, if you watch enough infomercials or stroll down the As Seen On TV aisle at the pharmacy, odds are you’ve seen some gadgets that claim to be a miracle cure for back pain. Do any of these gadgets work, or are they all some version of snake oil? In today’s blog, we explore which back pain gadgets may actually help you calm your back pain.

The Best Back Pain Gadgets On The Market

Before we dive into which gadgets can help with your back pain, it’s important to remember that for best treatment, connect with a spine specialist who can see your issue in person and provide some individualized treatment advice. Also, know that some of these items only help with certain types of spinal issues and are not for all types of back pain. So while these items can be helpful for the right person in the right situation, don’t just assume any of these options on their own will cure your back pain.

  • Heating/Cooling Pads – You can help find back pain relief by harnessing the power of heat and ice. Hot and cold packs can help to prevent swelling or draw healthy blood to an area to fight off conditions like muscle spasms or cramps. They can also be helpful after active treatments like exercise or physical therapy to help calm an inflammatory response caused by the activity.
  • Posture Correctors – A number of spinal conditions are caused or exacerbated by poor spinal positioning, so a posture correcting device can help change how you sit or stand to help take pressure off your spine. These devices help naturally shift your spinal positioning so that stress is more evenly distributed across your spine, which prevents certain segments from being overloaded with stress. If you do a lot of driving, a posture corrector can help prevent slouching or hunching in the car that could be contributing to your spine pain.
  • Memory Foam Pillow – If your pillow is too thick or too thin, your neck may be out of natural alignment when you’re sleeping. A memory foam pillow contours to the shape of your head and the amount of pressure you put on it, ensuring that your neck stays in an ideal position relative to your head and body. Consider upgrading your pillow if you are dealing with chronic neck pain.
  • A Cell Phone – A final gadget that we love for back pain relief is a cell phone. This device has the wonderful ability to help you get in contact with a spine specialist in your area who can diagnose your spinal issue and set you up with a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. In the greater Twin Cities area, use that device to call Dr. Sinicropi and the team at the Midwest Spine & Brain Institute today at (651) 430-3800.

At the end of the day, there aren’t many gadgets that we recommend for back pain relief, because we’ve found that active treatments tend to work best. The first three gadgets may be helpful when used in combination with other techniques like exercise and physical therapy techniques, but these passive options shouldn’t be expected to fully address your underlying issue on their own.

However, we’re very confident in the fourth option, which is to pick up the phone and connect with a spine specialist who can provide you with hands-on care. Dr. Sinicropi has done it for countless patients in the past, and he’d love to add your name to that growing list. For more information, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi’s office today.

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