Hips & Spines – How Pain is Related

Category: Spine Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

hip and spine pain
A lot of conditions in the human body are interrelated or caused by other health problems. An example of this is explained how low levels of fluid in your spine (the thecal sac) can cause migraines. A similar correlation can be made between your spine and your hips. Oftentimes the two go hand in hand, and it can be difficult to determine which is causing the problem. Today, we explain how a problem in your spine can cause hip problems, and vice versa.

Spine Problems Causing Hip Pain

One of the most common spine issues that causes problems in your hips is a herniated disc in your back. These painful discs can put pressure on the nerves of the lower back. If it impacts the wrong nerve, this can cause what’s known as sciatica, which can lead to pain in the hip region. If pain in your lower back extends to your hip or involves shooting pain down your leg, you might be dealing with a herniated disc. An abnormal gait can also lead to spine problems. Your gait is just another way to describe your stride or your walking pattern, and problems in the spine can cause us to limp, alter our foot strike patterns or open/close our hips when we walk. Your hips can compensate for the new stress in the short term, but over time you’re going to overstress and weaken areas of the hip that aren’t used to bearing so much weight. If a back problem is affecting your gait, see a doctor before it affects your hips.

Hip Problems Causing Spine Pain

On the flip side, an issue in your hip and lead to pain in your spine. For example, if you develop arthritis in your hip, you may find that you’re leaning forward more than normal. Obviously this
movement can put added stress on your spine, and it can lead to a host of conditions, like herniated/bulging discs, pinched nerves or even spinal fractures. Arthritis in your hip can also affect your
gait, and as we mentioned above, can add stress to areas of your body that aren’t used to shouldering such a large load.

Finally, one last hip issue that can mimic a back problem is a hip fracture. Oftentimes hip fractures are the result of a fall, and it’s not always easy to pinpoint the source of the pain when your
side and lower back are in throbbing pain. If you fall and feel a sharp pain in the pelvic region that turns into dull pain in your lower back, head into a spine specialist’s office for a consultation. They’ll be able to take some Xrays and determine if your pain is being caused by a hip fracture or a condition in your spine. The takeaway is that your hip or spine pain can be rooted in different areas, so talk to your doctor if pain doesn’t resolve on its own. You can’t fully recover if you don’t know where your pain is stemming from, so set up a consultation with a skilled neurosurgeon today.

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