Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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How To Instantly Get Rid Of Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

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Back pain affects hundreds of millions of people around the world, and odds are you or someone you know is currently working to overcome a spine pain problem. Because so many people are dealing with back pain, millions of people are also scouring the internet to find tips on how to quickly or instantly heal their back pain. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was something you could do to instantly and permanently put an end to your spinal discomfort?

Unfortunately, there is no simple solution that will immediately resolve your back pain for good. Your spine is incredibly complex, and it takes a prolonged approach to help it overcome a variety of back issues. So while we can’t instantly heal your spine pain like the title of this blog suggests, we are experts at helping patients put an end to their back pain once and for all. In today’s blog, we spotlight some of the quickest ways to get rid of back pain for good.

Quick And Effective Spine Pain Treatments

While there is no instant cure for back pain, there are plenty of things that you can do to reduce or alleviate symptoms in relatively short order. Here’s what you’ll want to focus on:

  • Controlled Activity/Exercise – Oftentimes back symptoms are tied to a strength or stability issue, so it’s important to regularly work to develop key spinal structures. Physical therapy and controlled exercise are great ways to improve the strength of supportive structures and to stabilize the spine as a whole. This can also serve to make movement more comfortable by expanding your range of motion.
  • Healthy Habits – It can also be extremely helpful to make some simple adjustments to your daily life to provide a healthier environment for your spine. Improving your diet can ensure that your spine gets the nutrients it needs to perform necessary functions, and striving to be more active can help you maintain or work towards an ideal weight, which can take some stress off your back. Losing just a couple pounds can really take a burden off your spine, so mind your diet and your weight.
  • Revamp Your Posture – It’s also quite common for back injuries to be caused or exacerbated by poor posture habits. When we’re slumped on the couch or hunched forward at our desk or while we’re behind the wheel of our car, different areas of our spine are enduring greater levels of stress, particularly the lumbar and cervical spine. Throughout each day, make it a point to evaluate your posture and make subtle corrections to take some of this stress off your spine. Correcting your posture won’t heal your spine pain overnight, but it can help to lay the foundation for a healthier spine in the future.
  • Improve Your Sleep Quality – Many people overlook their sleep habits when it comes to their spine health, but considering we spend about a third of the day on a mattress, it’s smart to ensure that your back is being adequately supported when you’re laying down. You want a firm and supportive mattress that allows you to easily find a comfortable position. If you can’t remember the last time you replaced your mattress or it’s starting to feel a bit lumpy, it may be time to upgrade to a better mattress for your spine. You also want to ensure that you are making it easier for your body to achieve restful sleep by going to bed around the same time each night and making the bedroom cool, dark and free from distractions.

Finally, while medications can play a role in helping you overcome a spine issue, notice that we did not include them on this list of quick fixes. Medications can provide some short-term relief, but they aren’t designed to treat the root issue in the long-term, so we only recommend them when paired with other active interventions that provide long-acting relief. Quick pain relief isn’t worth it if it is short lived, so make sure you are pursuing treatment techniques that aim to stop back pain at the source.

For more information, or for help with a different spinal issue, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi and the team at The Midwest Spine & Brain Institute today at (651) 430-3800.

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