How You Can Help Someone With Chronic Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Chronic Back Pain Help

One of the biggest complaints from individuals with back pain, aside from the obvious physical pain, is how their condition affects their ability to interact with others. Sometimes they end up feeling like a burden to others, and that’s simply not the case. So if you have someone in your life who is suffering from chronic back pain, we thought we’d share some ways you can help them without making them feel like they are a burden on you.

5 Tips For Helping Someone With Back Pain

Here are five ways you can physically, mentally and emotionally help someone with chronic back pain.

  1. Be there and listen – Oftentimes the best thing you can do for someone who is in pain is to just be there for them. Don’t give judgment or advice, just be there and be a shoulder to lean on. If they want your advice on how to get past their pain, they’ll ask you for it. Just listening and providing company for someone who is dealing with chronic pain can go a long way in helping them both mentally and emotionally.
  2. Be understanding – This is easier said than done, because it’s impossible to really understand what someone else is going through when they have chronic pain. What we mean by this is that you should try to understanding and sympathetic to their position. If they cancel plans at the last minute or can’t make it to your event, don’t assume they are just trying to avoid you. Back pain is a tremendous burden, and some days are worse than others. Instead of chastising them for having pain, be understanding to their condition and try to adjust to their needs when reasonable.
  3. Make a meal – Again, some of the smallest gestures can go a long way in helping someone. Meal planning can be difficult if standing and bending in the kitchen are painful, so consider cooking one of their favorite healthy meals and planning a time to come over and eat together.
  4. Offer to drive – To you, running to the grocery store or dropping the kids off at soccer practice may be no big deal, but for someone with chronic back pain it can be a very difficult and uncomfortable experience. You don’t need to offer to drive all the time, but if you’re planning to head somewhere and your friend or family member isn’t too far out of the way, ask if they’d like a ride or if you can provide a lift. Also, remember that if you’re offering a lift, don’t do so just so they can drive sometime in the future. You’re offering because they are in pain, not because of convenience factor, so don’t offer if you’re going to get upset if they don’t return the favor.
  5. Find a tandem activity – Finally, consider trying to find an activity that both of you can do at the same time. This can help the person take their mind off the pain, and you may find yourself having some fun along the way. Whether that’s morning swim at the YMCA or taking a weekly sewing class downtown, find something that you both can engage in that challenges the body or the mind. You’ll both be happier for it!

For more tips or ways to help someone with back pain, give Dr. Sinicropi a call today.

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