Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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I Think My Back Pain Has Been Misdiagnosed

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Back Pain

They say that “doctor knows best,” but what should you do if you think that your spinal issue has been misdiagnosed, or you just don’t agree with the initial assessment? You want to have trust in your care provider, but at the same time, you need to trust your gut if something just doesn’t seem right with your diagnosis and treatment plan. In today’s blog, we explain what you should do if you think your back pain has been misdiagnosed, and we share why so many people turn to Dr. Sinicropi for a second opinion.

I Disagree With My Diagnosis

If you disagree with your original diagnosis, you’re not alone. Many people aren’t satisfied with their initial diagnosis. Now, that doesn’t mean that you are right and the doctor is wrong, it just means that it’s probably in your best interest to seek out a second opinion. A second opinion is perfect in this scenario, because either the second doctor uncovers something that was overlooked by the first physician, or they put your doubts to bed by seeing the exact same thing as the first expert. You won’t hurt your original doctor’s feelings by seeking a second opinion. Any good doctor knows that when it comes to your health, it pays to be diligent, so having a second expert look at your imaging results is a pretty normal practice.

In fact, Dr. Sinicropi sees a fair amount of patients who are seeking a second opinion. He’s a popular choice because he has reviewed thousands of images and performed countless operations, so he has a deep breadth of knowledge at seeing the tricky issues that can confound other specialists. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what some patients have recently said about Dr. Sinicropi on his Google Business profile:

  • “I have been suffering for 6-10 years with my degenerating disc in my neck, and when it finally got unbearable, I started seeking intervention for the pain. At first by other doctors I was told I had pulled a muscle in my neck (really a pulled muscle that lasts over a year??). And after doing some facet joint oblations with a different spine doctor, I didn’t get much relief. I had multiple MRIs and a CAT scan to figure out why I could hardly use my right arm. Spine doctors PA just couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I showed all the same imaging to Dr. Sinicropi for a second opinion and he pointed out right away where the C7 nerve was very compressed…I am so happy that I found Dr. Sinicropi!
  • “I had been suffering with back pain for at least 5 years and tried nerve blocks, PT and burning of the nerves. Nothing helped and I went to the surgeon that did a fusion on my neck and even though the radiologist had diagnosed spinal stenosis, this surgeon disagreed and said my back was in relatively good shape.  It got to the point that the spasms were so bad that my knees would buckle or I couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes.  I am so very lucky that I found Dr. Sinicropi.  He looked at the same MRI that the previous surgeon looked at, and said “Well it’s quite obvious that you have spinal stenosis.”  He did a decompression of the L5-S1 with bilateral foraminotomy and my life changed. I can now do everything I used to do. I can’t thank him enough for bringing my life back to normal.”

Dr. Sinicropi wants to help you find a diagnosis that leaves little doubt that you have been diagnosed correctly. He’s done it for countless patients in the past, and he’d be more than happy to do it for you in the event that you are dissatisfied with your original assessment. Or better yet, make Dr. Sinicropi and the team at the Midwest Spine & Brain Institute your first stop for spine care, and you’ll be confident that you are in good hands. For more information, or for help with your spine or neck issue, give our team a call today at (651) 430-3800.

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