Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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Motorcycle Accidents & Spine Injuries

Category: Spinal Cord Injury | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

motorcycle accident

With the summer weather in full swing here in Minnesota, a lot of bikers have taking their motorcycles out of the garage and onto the roads. Motorcycle accidents can cause a variety of injuries to the spinal cord. In this article, we are going to discuss the various potential spine injuries a person can sustain while riding a motorcycle or as the result of a motorcycle accident.

Common Spine Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are less protected (and thus more dangerous) than cars. Spine injuries from motorcycle accidents can include any of the following:

  • Pinched nerves in the cervical spine, typically resulting from whiplash.
  • Muscle strains and sprains in the back.
  • Severe spinal cord injuries and paralysis.

A biker can develop back conditions even without getting into an accident. Merely riding a motorcycle over time can lead to the development of a repetitive stress related injury of the lower back. Especially if you drive on rough roads, a spinal disc may bulge and pinch a nearby nerve in the lower back and cause pain.

Treating Motorcycle Spine Injuries

Treating spine injuries and conditions that result from motorcycle accidents is highly dependent on the patient’s individual circumstances. A pinched nerve that results from the repetitive stress of riding a motorcycle may be treated with pain injections, while a spinal cord injury in a freeway crash, may necessitate immediate surgery of the spine.

The most important thing to do if you have been in a motorcycle crash is to make an appointment with your doctor to investigate any possible spine injuries you may have sustained. The easy thing to do is to tough out the back pain, but this strategy will only end up causing you more pain in the grand scheme of things. Get your injuries diagnosed and treated so you can return to a life without back pain.

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