Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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Pinched Nerves In Your Spine During Sports and Exercise

Category: Nerves | Author: Stefano Sinicropi


pinched nerve sports injury

Sports and exercise are a great way to meet new people and stay in shape, but being active is also one of the leading activities that results in pinched nerves in the spine. Considering how much twisting, turning, jumping and running are required in many sports, it’s no surprise that a nerve in your spine could become compressed during activity. Today, we take a look at why these injuries occur, and what you can do to prevent them in the future.

Pinched Nerve In My Back

Sports put significant strain on the spine, and this can be problematic because many athletes are high school or college-aged kids who are still growing into their bodies. Whether it’s through repetitive twisting or acute trauma, pinched nerves occur at a higher rate in these sports:

  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Rugby

Preventing and Treating Pinched Nerves in Your Spine

Like many injuries in sports, you can’t prevent all of them, but there are some things you can do to reduce your likelihood of suffering a pinched nerve. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Stretch – Taking time to warm up and stretch prior to athletic activity is crucial if you want to avoid a pinched nerve. Stretching can also sometimes relieve symptoms attributed to a pinched nerve.
  1. Hydrate – If you don’t stay hydrated, you can leave yourself susceptible to muscle spasms and strain. These spasms can cause discomfort amplifying radicular symptoms. Always stay hydrated when participating in athletic activities.
  1. Take Breaks – Pinched nerves in your back can occur when an area of your spine becomes hypermobile, which can happen with overuse. If you play in a weekend soccer or baseball tournament, rest your spine between games or in the days after the tournament. If you’re a coach, be sure to substitute frequently so your players can get a few quick breaks during the game.
  1. Seek Treatment – If you experience shooting or pulsing pain in your extremities, spine or back, stop activity right away and seek treatment. A pinched nerve rarely gets better if you try and ignore the pain and push on with your normal day. Instead, seek out a spine specialist. They’ll be able to set you up with a treatment plan to alleviate your spine pain. Pinched nerves respond well to conservative treatment and can help get you back on the field sooner, so don’t ignore pinched nerve pain!

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