Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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Spine Conditions, Injuries & Hockey

Category: Spinal Cord Injury, Spine Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

hockey spine injuriesHockey is a popular sport in Minnesota – from pee wee leagues all the way to the pros. No matter what age level, hockey can lead to some serious spine injuries and conditions. In this article we are going to talk about spine injuries and conditions that can result from playing hockey, and provide some treatment and prevention options for these spine injuries.

Hockey & Spine Injuries

Hockey is a very physical sport. Even with all the required pads and gear, getting checked into the boards by another player can do damage to your back, neck, and spine. Perhaps the most dangerous situation is when a player’s head makes contact with the boards. This can cause serious damage to the cervical spine, and can even result in paralysis. Other injury risk factors on the ice include:

  • Getting hit in the back with a puck. Hockey pucks can be dangerous missiles when fired from an adept players stick.
  • Slip & Fall injuries. With younger players just learning to skate, slipping and falling on the ice is common.
  • Fistfights are against the rules in hockey, but that does not mean they don’t happen.

These elements can all lead to hockey injuries or the development of spine conditions over time.

Preventing & Treating Hockey Injuries to the Spine

Even though hockey is a physical and dangerous sport, there are precautions players can take avoid injuries to the spine. Here are a few tips for staying safe on the ice:

  • Don’t take cheap shots. Stick to legal checking and don’t try to intentionally injure other players.
  • Avoid fistfights when possible. Fights can lead to serious injuries to all players involved. Avoid them if at all possible.

If you or your loved one sustains a serious spinal cord injury while playing hockey, contact a skilled spine physician who can properly diagnose and treat the injuries at hand.

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