Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

Expert Spine Surgeon | Real Answers

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The Benefits Of A Lumbar Fusion Procedure

Category: Spine | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Low Back Pain Injection

A lumbar fusion procedure is an operation that is designed to help alleviate pain or dysfunction caused by an injured or degenerative spinal disc. During the procedure, a skilled spine surgeon fuses the adjacent vertebrae together in order to limit motion at the affected area. It’s one of the procedures Dr. Sinicropi offers at his clinic, and he’s performed countless successful lumbar fusion operations. He’s seen the benefits of the procedure firsthand, and below, we share some of the unique benefits it can offer for the right patient.

Why Choose A Lumbar Fusion Operation

Here’s a look at why a lumbar fusion procedure can be beneficial for patients with certain spinal conditions and symptoms.

  1. Increased Stability – By fusing the adjacent bones together, flexibility in the joint becomes limited. While some may see this as a drawback, it’s actually this extended range of motion that is causing problems. Too much movement at a spinal segment can lead to bulging or herniated discs, pinched nerves or compressed soft tissues. By limiting movement with a fusion procedure, we help to stabilize the area and allow it to handle more stress without shifting into a place it shouldn’t. You’ll notice more confidence in your spine following a fusion operation because the area will safely be able to handle normal levels of pressure again.
  2. Helps A Variety Of Patients – A spinal fusion can be the perfect operation for a patient dealing with a number of different issues. For example, a spinal fusion may be ordered for a patient who suffered a spinal fracture, with spondylolisthesis, with facet joint disease or after a failed spinal surgery or the removal of a spinal tumor. Individuals with nerve pain caused by shifting spinal discs or narrowing spinal canal space can benefit from stabilizing a problemed area of their spine.
  3. Reduced Likelihood Of Subsequent Surgery – A lumbar fusion operation also has a very high likelihood of being the last surgery you need for your spinal condition. Unlike a decompression operation that tries to keep the spine flexible and treat the issue by only removing a small portion of the offending area, a fusion operation adds hardware that makes it much less likely that continued degeneration or injury will occur at the surgical site. And while that’s not to say that a fusion is always preferred over a decompression operation, if a patient is considering between the two, they should know that fusion has a high likelihood of being the last operation they’ll need for a problem at that spinal segment.

For more information about the spinal fusion procedure and the different types of approaches to the operation, check out this page that Dr. Sinicropi put together on the technique. And if you are interested in learning more about how to treat your spine pain, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi and his experienced medical staff today.

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