The Benefits of Kinesio Taping the Spine

Category: Spine | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

kinesio tape of spine

Kinesio tape, or “K tape” as it’s more commonly referred to in the medical world, is a treatment device that was developed in the 1970’s as a new way to kickstart the body’s natural healing process. Oftentimes used during or after athletic activity, K tape is an elastic type of tape that mimics the thickness and weight of human skin and helps facilitate muscle movement and increase blood flow in an area. Today, we examine how K tape is used on the spine to alleviate pain and help the body heal.

How Does Taping Work?

K tape is specifically designed to manipulate the muscles in certain ways, based on the tape’s positioning and the condition being treated. The tape itself is rather unique, as it:

  • Is designed to stretch 140 percent of its own length
  • Moves with skin and muscles
  • Breathes well and doesn’t trap body heat
  • Can work even after it gets wet from sweat or the shower
  • Is the same thickness and weight as human skin

K tape works in numerous ways. For starters, the tape lifts the skin ever so slightly, which promotes the healthy flow of bodily fluids in and out of an area. Not only can this allow healthy, oxygenated blood to flow into your spine, but it can also reduce swelling by allowing fluid to flow away from an area. Moreover, K tape also works wonders on the muscles, which is especially helpful for anyone dealing with lumbar muscle pain. The tape can facilitate muscle movement, contract certain muscle groups or inhibit certain actions, like muscle spasms. K tape is great because it can support muscles and joints without restricting the body’s natural range of motion.

Muscle Issues in the Spine

K tape is great for muscle issues in your spine, be it from an overworked muscle or a muscle spasm. That said, you shouldn’t assume you can just pick up a roll, slap it on your back and be magically healed. Because the tape works by targeting certain muscle groups and actions, you’re going to want to work with a professional. Physical therapists can help walk you through some basic taping techniques, but if you’re plagued by a specific issue, consulting with a chiropractor or a spine surgeon may be your best option. They can figure out exactly what’s going on with your spine and the related muscle groups, and they can tape to facilitate or inhibit movement as needed. For more information on the subject, contact a spine specialist today.

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