Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

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The Many Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Spine Injections

Category: Injections | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Spinal Injections

An injection can be both a diagnostic or treatment technique that can help to identify or resolve issues within a specific area of your body, but only if the injection is delivered to the right location. Even though a doctor has an extensive knowledge of the human body and the internal systems, blind injections aren’t always guaranteed to hit the right location. This can be a waste of time and money for the patient.

To help combat this potential issue, many healthcare clinics are turning to image-guided injections, and one of the most common image guidance systems is the ultrasound. Below, we take a closer look at the benefits of ultrasound-guided injections.

Understanding Ultrasound-Guided Injections

An ultrasound uses high-frequency soundwaves to produce a dynamic and real-time image of a specific area of the body. You are probably familiar with the technology as it is used to help doctors and expecting parents see the first images of their developing child, but ultrasound technology is used in a number of other healthcare settings.

Ultrasound-guided injections are a common way for Dr. Sinicropi to diagnose or treat different issues in the body, and these injections offer a number of benefits over a blind injection. Here’s why ultrasound-guided injections are typically preferred by both the patient and provider.

  1. Improved Accuracy – Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of an ultrasound-guided injection is that it allows the doctor to ensure that the injection is delivered to the precise location where it is needed. The accuracy rate of blind injections into some joints in the body can be as low as 30-40 percent, but with ultrasound guidance, accuracy levels jump to around 95% or higher. You can have confidence knowing that with the help of soundwave technology, the doctor has a much greater likelihood of delivering the medication to the exact location it is needed.
  2. Lower Pain Levels – Injections are usually described as causing minor or mild discomfort, and they are rarely described as painful. So while injections aren’t usually all that pain-inducing, research has shown that ultrasound-guided injections tend to be less uncomfortable for the patient. This is likely due to the fact that a specialist can quickly and accurately get the needle to the precise location.
  3. No Radiation – Other visualization techniques like a fluoroscopy allow the doctor to see the area in real-time, but they use radiation to produce this image. Because an ultrasound uses soundwaves, you are not exposed to any potentially harmful radiation.
  4. Fluid Imaging – Ultrasound also makes it easier for the doctor to identify fluid compared to a conventional X-ray. If your discomfort is housed in a joint, there is a decent change that fluid has accumulated in or around the joint, and seeing this fluid on an ultrasound can help the doctor better understand what’s going on in your body and how to deliver the medication to the right location.
  5. Fast – Compared to other diagnostic imaging tests like a CT scan or X-ray, an ultrasound can be set up and conducted in minutes, saving the patient and provider time. Ultrasound-guided injections can have you feeling pain relief in just a few minutes.

For the right patient, an ultrasound-guided injection can be a perfect course of care. To learn more about these injections for diagnostic or treatment purposes, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi and the team at The Midwest Spine & Brain Institute today at (651) 430-3800.

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