What Are Some Red Flags When It Comes To Back Problems?

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

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Back pain is incredibly common, but certain symptoms suggest that you should be more proactive in seeking professional treatment. But what red flag symptoms should you be aware of when it comes to spine pain? In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some symptoms that suggest you should seek out a consultation with a spine specialist because you could be dealing with the beginning stages of a serious issue.

Spinal Symptom Red Flags

None of the following symptoms suggest that you are certainly dealing with a major medical issue, but you shouldn’t just assume that the issue will fix itself if you just give it enough time. If you’re dealing with any of the following symptoms, set up a consultation with a spine specialist or seek out more immediate medical attention.

  • Severe Pain – The most obvious symptom that suggests there is a major issue at play is when pain is severe. If pain is making it difficult to stand, walk or even get out of bed, you need to have your spine examined by a specialist. Another issue to be aware of is pain that worsens or remains intense. Minor or mild back injuries tend to hurt the most at the moment of onset before beginning to feel a little better over the next couple of days. If your pain level doesn’t fade, or it actually gets worse, it’s a sign that you need medical attention.
  • Infection Symptoms – If your back discomfort is also presenting with signs of an infection, you need to consult with a medical expert. A spinal infection can cause major issues for your spine, so if you are dealing with back pain and fever, lightheadedness, weakness in your extremities or tenderness along your spinal column, seek out professional care.
  • No Moment Of Injury – If back pain seems to develop out of the blue, or you can’t really figure out why your spine is hurting, it’s best to undergo an evaluation by a specialist. This could be a sign of a tumor or other slow-developing spinal disorder that is best treated at an initial stage. If back pain develops out of nowhere, consult with a specialist.
  • Gait Changes/Extremity Weakness – You’ll also want to reach out to a spine specialist if your discomfort is making it hard to walk or it’s altering your natural gait. When back pain affects our gait, it changes how stress is dispersed along key joints like your hips, knees and ankles, putting them at higher risk for degeneration or injury. A back injury can cause problems for other key joints in your body if you aren’t proactive about treatment, so if discomfort is affecting your ability to use your arms and legs, reach out to a professional.
  • Bladder/Bowel Issues – Finally, if back pain is causing problems for you in the bathroom, you need to reach out to a specialist. Bladder or bowel dysfunction is a sign of a major issue, and it could lead to severe health problems if not addressed quickly. If your back pain is causing incontinence or you are unable to pass stool, head to a medical provider’s office for an evaluation.

Again, there is no guarantee that you are dealing with a major issue if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, but it’s better to be safe than sorry when your back pain is presenting with some concerning symptoms. We’re more than happy to help get to the bottom of your spinal discomfort and set you up with an individualized care plan. For more information, or for help with a different spinal issue, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi and the team at The Midwest Spine & Brain Institute today at (651) 430-3800.

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