3 Tips to Avoid Thanksgiving Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

thanksgiving back pain

Thanksgiving is almost here, and while it can be fun to reconnect with family members over a good meal, the holidays always put extra stress on our backs. From long car trips to hours in the kitchen, your back takes a beating on Thanksgiving. Here are some tips to help keep back pain at bay this Thanksgiving.

Care in the Car

If you’re not hosting this year, odds are you’re going to have to spend some time in a car or even on a plane before you get to your Thanksgiving destination. Long hours in an uncomfortable seat can throw your back out of whack for the whole trip, so travel wisely. Pack a pillow to help you get comfortable, ask your travel partners if you can ride shotgun or spread out in the back seat, depending on which is more comfortable, and if you’re going to be in the car for hours, request a 5-minute break every hour so you can get out and stretch your back. This may require you to leave a little earlier, but your spine will thank you for it.

Meal Planning

Cooking the Thanksgiving meal is a huge responsibility. Hopefully your friends and family are willing to chip in and bring the side dishes, but cooking a huge turkey for everyone is no easy task. You’re going to be on your feet for a while preparing the bird, but try to carve out a little time where you can sit down and let your spine rest. Additionally, lifting, carrying and placing that heavy turkey in the often can be difficult if you have back pain, so ask your spouse or other adults if they can do some of the heavy lifting. Lastly, being bent over a sink doing the dishes only puts more strain on your back, so don’t feel like you need to do them right away. Opt for a less taxing job like drying dishes, or invest in paper plates to make cleanup a breeze.

Family Fun

Once the turkey has been served, it’s time for the family traditions. Maybe you go outside and play a game of touch football, or perhaps you head to the outlet mall for a little shopping. Whatever you do, know your limits. You don’t need to overdo it on the football field or spend hours walking through the mall if you’re battling a bad back. It might be difficult to miss out on some Thanksgiving traditions, but now is the time to start some back-friendly traditions. Bust out a board game, tell stories by the fire or watch some home movies. Odds are other family members would be open to starting some new traditions.

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