Dr. Stefano Sinicropi, M.D.

Expert Spine Surgeon | Real Answers

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Caring For Your Spine When You Can’t See A Doctor In Person

Category: Surgeons | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

High Intensity Zone Spine

Our healthcare system is functioning a little differently than normal in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, and many doctors are changing how they are seeing patients in an effort to help slow the spread of the virus. Even in the future when the coronavirus is old news, it may not be possible for you to see a spine specialist whenever you want for your back condition. So regardless of whether the pandemic is affecting your ability to see a doctor, or it’s simply not feasible to see a doctor when you want answers, we thought it would be a good idea to share some tips on how you can care for your spine when you can’t be evaluated by a spine specialist for the time being.

Back Health Tips When You Can’t Get To A Doctor

If you can’t get in to see a doctor until next week or the clinic is not currently seeing patients in person, here are some tips to help keep your spine healthy in the meantime.

  • Stay Active – Many spinal conditions respond well to actions like physical therapy and controlled exercise routines. If you know what condition you’re dealing with, see if you can find some therapy exercises online. If you aren’t sure what you’re dealing with, try to focus on some less intense activities that still help keep you moving, like walking. Don’t just lie in bed, because muscles will atrophy and research has shown that rest typically is only best for a very short period of time, then controlled activity actually is preferred to help spur recovery.
  • Virtual Visits – If you can’t see a specialist in person, consider seeing if you can connect with a physician virtually until you are able to be seen. Many practices are changing to allow doctors to see patients through telemedicine options as a way to help slow the speed of the coronavirus, and federal guidelines are changing to allow doctors to better connect with patients through virtual means without fear of a HIPAA violation so long as they are acting in good faith.
  • Focus On Your Diet – You might feel like your spine health is out of your hands after an injury if you can’t get in to see a specialist right away, but there are aspects of your health that you can control. Your diet plays a big role in helping you recover, and poor food choices or failing to stay hydrated can cause even more problems for your back. Make sure you are eating a range of healthy foods and vegetables, and make water your drink or choice to help keep your body hydrated and functioning properly. Odds are your doctor will talk about the importance of good dietary choices during your recovery, so jump start this process by making smart decisions before you get into their office.
  • Stop Doing The Same Things – Finally, don’t just try to push on with your day like nothing is wrong. Odds are your daily activities were partly to blame for your injuries. If you spend long hours in the car or work a particularly physical job, don’t just keep doing the same things and expect your spine to heal on its own. Really take time to focus on your spine and give it the environment it needs to heal. That means making changes to your daily activities and being more aware of your posture throughout the day.

For more ways to care for your spine when you can’t get to a doctor’s office, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi’s office for more information.

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