Dietary Supplements For Back Pain – Are They Helpful?

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Back Pain Dietary Supplements

There are a number of dietary supplements out there that claim they can help treat your back pain, but are they really worth the cost. In certain cases for specific conditions, dietary supplements can play a role in reducing spine pain, but other treatment options are more effective. Below, we take a closer look at dietary supplements, their role in controlling spine pain, and what better options may be out there.

Supplements For Back Pain

There are some supplements on the market that can help to decrease back pain caused by certain conditions or underlying causes like inflammation, but supplements are ineffective against spinal injuries, like a sprain or a disc herniation. As we’ve said on the blog before, there is no magic pill that will cure you of your pain. Dietary supplements can play an assistive role in controlling back pain when the conditions are right, but they should not be your only treatment modality, because they are a passive option that fails to address the root cause of your pain.

If you’ve suffered a specific injury, you’re not going to benefit from dietary supplements marketed to reduce back pain. You’re dealing with a real injury that needs active treatment, so you’re not going to experience any long-term relief by taking dietary supplements and hoping they alone will cure your pain. Instead, you should be focusing on other treatment options that target your source of pain.

Active Treatments For Back Pain

Instead of relying on dietary supplements, consider some of these treatment options for your back pain. These are general treatment options that are used to treat mild to moderate back pain, and you should consider consulting a spine specialist if you’re interested in learning which methods may be best for your specific situation.

  • Exercise – Exercise is a great way to help your spine heal and strengthen. If works muscle groups to increase their mobility and strength, and it helps to get healthy, oxygenated blood to areas of your spine that need it. If back pain makes it difficult to exercise, consider opting for non-load bearing exercises, like aquatic therapy.
  • Physical Therapy – Along the same lines, physical therapy helps by targeting key areas that are contributing to your spine pain. If you know what’s causing your back pain, you can probably do an internet search to find some good PT exercises, or you can get a plan tailored to your needs by a spine specialist.
  • Diet and Hydration – Instead of relying on a supplement, make it a point to eat healthier each and every day. You’ll find that you’ll have more energy, and that can make it easier to perform exercise or PT routines. Hydrating also helps to keep your muscles lubricated, which helps to prevent against strains or tears.
  • Spine Consultation – One of the best ways to treat your spine pain is to get a specific diagnosis from a spine doctor. They’ll be able to pinpoint the underlying cause of your pain and set you up with a comprehensive treatment plan. They can also talk about your surgical options if an operation is needed. This will help ensure you are treating the root cause of your problem.

At the end of the day, dietary supplements can play a helpful role in managing certain cases of back pain, but they shouldn’t be your only treatment option. If you focus on active treatment modalities, you’re going to have a greater chance of putting an end to your back pain.

If you have any questions, or you want your back examined by a spine specialist, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi’s office today.

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