5 Home Modifications For Individuals With Back Pain

Category: Back Pain | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

Back Pain Home Modifications

Spine pain or a spinal cord injury can make everyday tasks difficult. Having a spine specialist diagnose and treat the issue is one way to make these tasks simpler, but another thing you can do is make some home modifications so these activities aren’t as challenging. Today, we share five home modifications that can make your daily life easier if you’re dealing with spine pain.


If you need to use a wheelchair or powered chair to get around you house, you’ll need to make modifications to any stairs that you have. Even if you’re not confined to a chair, investing in a stair lift can be a good idea if you have steep stairs that are getting difficult to navigate.

Bathtub Doors

Oftentimes the biggest step a person has to make is over their bathtub in order to get in and out of the shower. This is hard enough without back pain, especially if the tub is wet, but it can be even more dangerous if back pain inhibits your normal movement. Consider investing in a new bathtub system with a door that allow you to walk in and out of the tub with ease.

Toilet Seat Lifts Or Handrails

We’ll stay in the bathroom for this next modification. Lowering and raising off the toilet can be hard if you have shooting back pain, but you can make this easier by investing in a toilet seat raiser or by installing hand rails near the seat that you can use when standing or sitting. This inexpensive modification can go a long way in helping you stay safe in the bathroom.

Firmer Furniture

If you’re thinking about replacing your furniture, opt for higher and firmer models that will allow you to get in and out of the chair with ease. Low and soft furniture can make it harder to get out of the seat. When trying out a chair, make sure your knees are never above your hips, or you’ll have a tough time getting out of it. Firmer mattresses can also help with back pain in the bedroom.

Non-Slip Mats and Rugs

Finally, since spine issues can cause problems with your balance, you should consider investing in non-slip mats and rugs for your entryways and walkways. If you have any rugs that are unsecured, buy some rug or carpet tape that will help keep them from shifting.

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