Can a Herniated Disc cause High Blood Pressure?

Category: Spine | Author: Stefano Sinicropi

high blood pressureA herniated disc in the spine can cause a number of issues including pain, numbness, and decreased mobility. But can a herniated spinal disc lead to increased blood pressure levels? That is the question we tackle in this article.

Slipped Discs 

We have talked in depth about herniated discs already on this site. As a quick refresher, a herniated disc (sometimes known colloquially as a “slipped disc”) is a condition in which a spinal disc ruptures and protrudes into the nerves, tendons, and other areas surrounding the spine. Symptoms of a herniated disc can include back or neck pain, and tingling in the extremities.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is defined as the pressure of your blood pressing against the walls of your blood vessels. It is one of the primary vital signs used to measure overall health. Any time you visit a hospital, doctor’s office, or clinic, a medical professional (usually a nurse) will check your blood pressure. Blood pressure measures how hard the heart is working to pump blood throughout the body.

Keeping blood pressure in an optimal range is good because high blood pressure can put you at an increased risk of a heart attack, and other related issues.

Herniated Discs & High Blood Pressure

So can a herniated disc lead to high blood pressure? Stress is one of the biggest contributing factors to high blood pressure. The pain associated with a herniated disc, as well as the anxiety over potential surgery can certainly lead to increased blood pressure. Thankfully there are ways to control high blood pressure and keep it in check before it gets out of control.

If you have any of the signs or symptoms of a herniated disc, make an appointment with a spine doctor today to discuss risk factors and treatment options.

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